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What Does 365 Days of Meditation Feel Like? Find Out From Our Community!

365 Days inside the Our Mindfulness Community

We have been offering a live daily guided meditation every single day since 1st July 2020. It’s called the Daily Mindfulness Club. And we have had members who have shown up in a way that works for them. Some daily. Some weekly. And some once in a while. And there is merit in them all. Thank you for showing up!

Check out these Stories of Transformation

To celebrate our birthday, I asked our community to share stories of their journey through being a member of our little family, whether they’ve been with us for a month or the full year.

Here’s the stories they have shared as a gift for us to all read and be inspired by:

I’d love to mention all our member’s names and thank the contribution each and every one has made to our community. If I’ve missed any brand new members, let me know and I’ll add you in!

This community has been a life-changing experience for me too. I don’t think I’ve ever meditated for a straight 365 days in a row before. And certainly not with others. What a wonderful priviledge to be able to share such an experience with others. Thank you to each and every community member!

My personal favourite aspects of our community have been:

  • Qigong - All the mindful movement practices during the week and on Sundays contributed by our generous member, Brian

  • Open sharing of the good and tough times by our members in our Zoom chat and the support of the other members, for them

  • Insights - Reading and sharing insights by our community after each meditation

  • Creativity - The variety of creative nature videos we watch for meditation on Sundays

  • Fun - The fun playshops we’ve been part of on Saturday mornings and the chats we’ve had as a result

  • Chats - Chats, insights, sharings, videos and jokes in our Whatsapp Group

The best thing about it is the friendship we have with each other. I love that most of all.

Special Offer: Free Trial of Daily Mindfulness Club

Visit Daily Mindfulness Club. You can enjoy a month of daily live meditations and a month of daily recordings too! Also access our bank of hundreds of guided meditation from throughout the year.

If you feel nervous about joining, don’t worry! Your video is kept off, and you just need to sit back and listen. And you can come in and out as you please, anytime. You don’t have to come for the full 30 minutes. If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you keep getting what you’ve always got. Maybe today is the day to try something new!