Missed one of the emails from our 31-Day Mindfulness Challenge?
No problem.
We will put the emails in here day by day for the first week, so you can see the ones you may have missed.
Day 1
Subject: Day 1: Set an intention to live with awareness and kindness
Hello and welcome to Day 1 of our 31-day mindfulness challenge! My name is Shamash, and I am honoured to be your guide on this journey.
Here you can see the format for the daily emails. The subject of the email gives you the practice in a sentence. The 'Mindful minute' goes into a bit more detail. And to go further into the subject, read the 'Going Deeper' section. Enjoy!
Mindful minute
Take some time right now to ask yourself why you’ve signed up for this 31 day Mindfulness Challenge. Why do you wish to bring more awareness and kindness into your life?
And also consider how committed you feel to doing this 31 day challenge. Do you definitely want to read each email, or just skim through?
It’s entirely up to you, and even committing to open each email and read at least one sentence is actually a great way to start. Then, anything more is just a bonus.
Going deeper
Today, we will focus on setting an intention to live with awareness and kindness. But before we dive in, let's take a moment to understand what an intention is and why it is important.
An intention is a guiding principle for how we want to show up in the world. It is a statement of our values and a commitment to live in alignment with them. When we set an intention, we create a roadmap for our actions and decisions, and we become more mindful of how we are showing up in our lives.
Starting a 31 day challenge with an intention is important because it gives us a clear sense of purpose and direction. It helps us stay motivated and focused, even when we encounter challenges or obstacles. By setting an intention, we create a positive mindset that will carry us through the ups and downs of this challenge and beyond.
Now, I invite you to take a few moments to settle into a comfortable position and close your eyes. Take a deep breath in and exhale slowly, letting go of any tension or stress in your body.
As you continue to breathe deeply, I invite you to ask yourself why you signed up for this mindfulness challenge in the first place. What are you hoping to get from greater mindfulness and kindness in your life? Take a moment to reflect on these questions, and allow any thoughts or feelings that arise to simply be.
As you open your eyes and come back to the present moment, I encourage you to take note of what you discovered. What insights did you gain about yourself and your motivations for this challenge?
Now, let's talk about how you can incorporate this challenge into your daily routine. It's important to choose a time and place that works for you, where you can be fully present and free from distractions. Maybe it's first thing in the morning, or during your lunch break, or before bed. Find a time that feels manageable and realistic, and commit to showing up for yourself each day.
Finally, I want to remind you that your daily intention doesn't have to be a grand gesture or a major life change. It can be as simple as taking a few deep breaths before responding to a difficult email, or pausing for a moment to appreciate a beautiful sunset. Think of it like a small seed that you are planting in your life, and commit to gently watering it each day.
With this intention in mind, let's move forward with the rest of our 31 day mindfulness challenge. I am excited to be on this journey with you, and I can't wait to see what insights and transformations lie ahead.
Thank you for joining me today, and I look forward to connecting with you again tomorrow.
Day 2
Notice 3 things you find beautiful in the outside world
Welcome to Day 2 of our 31-day Mindfulness Challenge! Today, we're going to focus on noticing three things you find beautiful in the outside world.
Mindful Minute:
When we’re rushing through life, it can be easy to forget all the beauty in life around us. So in today’s challenge, set an intention to spot three things that you find beautiful in the world.
You may be able to do it right after reading this email, or it could be later in the day. The sky, a tree, a smile, birdsong or even a simple small plant growing from a crack in the pavement. Setting aside a bit of time today to do this can be a lovely experience.
Going Deeper:
This challenge is about training ourselves to be more present and aware in the world around us. It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, and to overlook the simple pleasures that are right in front of us.
So, I invite you to take a few moments today to look for beauty in the world around you. It could be something as simple as a plant on your windowsill, a smile from a colleague, or the sound of birds outside your window. Take a moment to really see and appreciate these everyday examples of beauty.
When you notice something beautiful, take three slow, conscious breaths and allow the experience to settle into yourself. This can help you fully immerse in the present moment and appreciate the beauty in front of you.
And, if you're feeling up for it, try combining this experience with a small smile on your face. Studies have shown that smiling can actually heighten our experiences of positive emotions, and can even have physical benefits like reducing stress and lowering our heart rate.
Now, I'd like to guide you through a short reflection or meditation on the beauty you've seen in the past.
Think back to a time when you experienced simple beauty in your life. Maybe it was the colors of the sunset, the sound of a child's laughter, or the feeling of the warm sun on your skin...
Take a moment to recall that experience in your mind's eye...
Remember what you saw, heard, felt, and smelled. Allow yourself to fully immerse in that experience once again, and notice how it makes you feel...
As you continue to breathe deeply, I invite you to bring to mind a few words to describe the beauty you saw. Perhaps it was peaceful, or vibrant, or awe-inspiring. Whatever the words may be, allow them to settle into your awareness...
Now, I encourage you to carry this experience of beauty with you throughout the day. Notice the simple beauty in the world around you, and take a moment to fully appreciate it. Allow yourself to be present, and to find joy in the present moment.
Write any reflections on this topic down in your journal, or if you prefer, in the notes on your phone.
Want a guided meditation on this topic? Try watching this free Guided Tree Meditation and enjoy the lovely trees in the video too. :)
Thank you for joining me on this journey of mindfulness and self-discovery. I look forward to connecting with you again tomorrow.
Sending smiles :)
Day 3
Start today by appreciating your body and that you’re alive
Welcome to Day 3 of our 31 day Mindfulness Challenge! Today, we're going to focus on appreciating our bodies and being grateful for the gift of being alive.
Mindful Minute:
Your bodies are amazing. 24/7 your body is working hard to ensure you stay safe and well.
Just imagine how many times your heart has beaten, or your lungs have breathed in and out. Consider how many times your body has had to fight disease, heal a wound or deal with a challenge. Take a moment to consider the senses you have or had working for you, and all the amazing experiences you’ve had.
The body is incredible, and although it’s not perfect, there is often far more working well for us than we realise. Stop and take a moment to reflect with gratitude for all that your body has done for you in your life.
Reflect on the fact that you’re alive right now, in this incredible, vast Universe. You may even feel a sense of awe and wonder as you reflect upon this. Savour this feeling.
Going Deeper:
It's easy to take our bodies for granted, to focus on our flaws and imperfections rather than the incredible things our bodies do for us every day. But the truth is, our bodies are amazing machines that work tirelessly to keep us alive and well.
So, I invite you to take a few moments to really appreciate and be grateful for your body in this reflection.
Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit or lie down, and allow yourself to fully rest...
Read the following sentences one at a time, and reflect on each one...
As you breathe deeply, begin to scan your body from head to toe, noticing any areas of tension or discomfort. Bring your attention to each part of your body, from your head, down through your neck, shoulders, arms, hands, chest, abdomen, hips, legs, and feet...
As you scan each part of your body, take a moment to appreciate all the amazing things it does for you... Your eyes allow you to see the world around you... Your ears allow you to hear the sounds of nature and the voices of your loved ones... Your mouth and tongue allow you to taste and savor delicious food... Your lungs enable you to breathe in the air that sustains your life...
Allow yourself to fully appreciate and be grateful for these amazing functions of your body...
Take a moment to thank your body for all the incredible things it does for you every day, without any conscious effort on your part...
If you notice any areas of tension or discomfort in your body, bring your attention to these areas and send them some care and affection. If you like visualising colours, imagine sending a warm, soothing light to these areas, and allow yourself to fully be with those sensations just as they are...
As you continue to breathe gently, I encourage you to bring to mind any other ways in which your body serves you. Perhaps your legs enable you to take a walk in nature, or your hands allow you to create beautiful art. Maybe your voice allows you to express your thoughts and feelings, or your heart helps reflect your feelings of love and compassion for others...
Whatever it may be, allow yourself to fully appreciate and be grateful for all the amazing things your body does for you. And as you carry this appreciation with you throughout the day, remember to treat your body with kindness and respect.
Journal Prompt: I appreciate my body because....
Guided Meditation: Using Breath to Soothe Your Body
Thank you for joining me on this journey of mindfulness and self-discovery. I look forward to connecting with you again tomorrow.
Wishing you and your body a lovely day,
Day 4
Notice how you speak to yourself and choose to use kind words
Welcome to Day 4 of our 31-day Mindfulness Challenge! Today, we're going to focus on noticing how we speak to ourselves and choosing to use kind words.
Mindful minute:
Take a moment to listen to the thoughts popping into your head right now…
For many people, it’s busy telling you what you should be doing. And when things go wrong, that voice in your head can be self-critical.
How do you deal with this inner chatter, especially when it’s harsh?
The first step is just to notice what that inner voice is saying.
Then, create a bit of inner distance between you and your thoughts. As if you’re watching thoughts arising, rather than being in the thoughts. Imagine you are placing the thoughts onto clouds in the sky, or leaves on a stream, for example.
Finally, say some kind words to yourself. Say the sort of words you’d say to support a friend going through a hard time. ‘I’m doing the best I can’. ‘I am good enough’. ‘Considering everything I’m going through, I’m doing really well’. Use any encouraging and kind words that work for you.
Got more time? Read on…
Going Deeper:
It's easy to be our own harshest critic, to judge ourselves harshly and berate ourselves for our mistakes and imperfections. But the truth is, we are all human and we all make mistakes. Learning to be kinder to ourselves is a skill we can all learn and benefit from.
So, I invite you to take a few moments to become aware of how you speak to yourself. Do you use kind and supportive words, or do you criticise and judge yourself harshly? Pay attention to the tone of your inner voice, and the words you use to talk to yourself.
If you notice that you tend to be self-critical, take a moment to pause and take a deep breath. Remember that you are not alone in this, and that many of us struggle with being kind to ourselves.
Next, try speaking to yourself as you would speak to a good friend who is going through a hard time. Offer yourself words of encouragement, support, and understanding. Allow yourself to be gentle and compassionate with yourself.
Now, I'd like to guide you through a short reflection on self-compassion.
Sit comfortably, and place your hand on your heart if you can…
As you breathe deeply, imagine a warm and soothing light emanating from your heart and spreading throughout your body. Imagine that this light represents kindness and compassion. Allow this light to fill you with a sense of comfort and ease as best you can…
Next, bring to mind a time when you struggled or made a mistake. Not your biggest challenge, but something small you feel you can handle right now. Perhaps you said something hurtful to a friend, or failed to meet a deadline at work…
As you recall this experience, allow yourself to feel any emotions that arise. Notice any self-critical thoughts that come up, and allow them to simply be…
Now, imagine that you are speaking to yourself as you would speak to a good friend in this situation. Offer yourself words of kindness, support, and understanding. Allow yourself to feel the comfort and compassion that comes with speaking to yourself in this way...
As you continue to breathe deeply, allow yourself to fully immerse in this experience of self-compassion. Allow yourself to feel the warmth and love that comes from being kind to yourself, and remember that you deserve this love and kindness…
I hope you enjoyed that reflection.
Meditation: A guided meditation on embracing your imperfections
Journal prompt: Today I will be kinder to myself by....
Thank you for joining me on this journey of mindfulness and self-discovery. I look forward to connecting with you again tomorrow.
Sending kindness your way,
Day 5
Day 5 - Bring to mind people you care about and send love to them
Welcome to Day 5 of our 31 day Mindfulness Challenge! Today, we're going to focus on bringing to mind people we care about and sending love to them.
Here's the previous days emails if you didn’t get them
Mindful minute:
Try this little exercise.
Bring to mind someone you care about. Or any living being. It can be a person, or a dog, cat or other animal you’re close to. Even a tree, plant or flower.
As you bring this living being or beings to mind, send them love and kindness…
Place your hand on your heart if that helps to enhance the experience for you.
Wishing them well. Wish them happiness, peace, love and joy.
Use words in your mind that work best for you.
Notice how this makes you feel.
Set an intention to bring this to mind at other points during day.
Want to explore this more? Then read on…
Going Deeper
As human beings, we are wired for connection and compassion. One way we can cultivate these qualities is by sending loving kindness to the people in our lives.
So, I invite you to take a few moments to find a quiet and comfortable place to sit or lie down.
Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to fully rest…
As you continue to breathe gently and slowly, bring to mind someone in your life who you care about deeply. It could be a family member, friend, or even a pet or plant…
Allow yourself to fully picture this person or being in your mind's eye, noticing their features, their voice, and their energy…
As you do so, offer them these words of loving kindness…
May you be happy
May you be healthy
May you be safe
May you be peaceful
Use these or any other phrases that feel meaningful for you too…
As you repeat these phrases, imagine sending a warm and loving light to this being. Allow yourself to fully immerse in the experience of sending them love and kindness…
If it feels comfortable for you, you can imagine this person receiving your love and sending it back to you in return...
Allow yourself to fully immerse in this experience of connection and compassion…
Now, I invite you to bring to mind another person or being in your life who you care about deeply. Repeat the same phrases of loving kindness, and allow yourself to fully immerse in the experience of sending them love and compassion…
You can repeat this process for as many people as you like, taking the time to fully immerse in each experience of sending love and well wishing...
As you continue to breathe consciously, allow yourself to feel any sense of warmth and connection that comes from sending loving kindness to others…
Remember that we are all connected, and that our acts of kindness and compassion have a ripple effect in the world...
Thank you for joining me on this journey of mindfulness and self-discovery. I look forward to connecting with you again tomorrow.
Journal Prompt: How I felt after doing this compassion meditation...
Guided Meditation: Loving Kindness Meditation
May you be well and happy and healthy,
Day 6
Day 6 - If you find yourself rushing, make an effort to slow down
Welcome to Day 6 of our 31-day Mindfulness Challenge! Today, we're going to focus on slowing down when we find ourselves rushing.
Mindful minute
Notice any sense of rush as you’re reading these sentences.
See if you can slow down a little...
Take your time to reflect on each sentence.
If it feels good to slow down a little, keep reading...
When I find myself rushing, I end up making more mistakes and certainly feel more worn out at the end of the day.
I know if I'm rushing too much when I'm typing, because I'm spending more time hitting the delete key than actually typing what I need to type!
When I remember to slow down and act more consciously, I become more grounded...
I'm able to accomplish tasks with a little more of fulfilment and peace.
So notice if you find yourself rushing today...and try slowing down.
You too may find yourself getting more done and feeling a little more present and grounded too.
Got a little more time to explore this? Keep reading slowly... :)
Going Deeper
It's understandable and normal to rush when we have lots to do. But as you may have noticed, rushing often leads to more mistakes, more stress, and less productivity.
By making an effort to slow down, we can actually become more effective and efficient in our tasks.
And it gives us time to act with greater wisdom and reflect before jumping to any conclusions.
So, I invite you to take a few moments to become aware of how you are moving through your day.
Are you rushing from one task to the next, or are you taking the time to fully immerse in each moment?
If you notice that you are rushing a lot, don't worry - you're certainly not alone.
Take a moment to pause and take a slow, light, conscious breath, deep down in your lungs if you can.
Remember that slowing down is a skill we can all learn and benefit from.
Take another conscious, deep breath.
And make your out breath even slower if possible.
If you have time, take a few more of these slow, conscious breaths, making them more gentle and smooth each time.
As you gently breathe, notice the pleasure of each outbreath!
Allow yourself to fully immerse in the present moment. Let any thoughts or worries that may be rushing through your mind, just come and go.
Now, I'd like to guide you through a short meditation on mindfulness of breath.
Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit or lie down...
As you breathe, bring your attention to your breath.
Notice the sensation of the air moving in and out of your body.
Pay attention to the quality of your breath, noticing whether it is shallow or deep, fast or slow.
Allow yourself to fully embrace the sensation of your breath, noticing each inhale and exhale.
When your mind begins to wander, simply bring your attention back to your breath with as much kindness as you can.
As you continue to breathe, allow yourself to immerse in the present moment.
Can you sense a little more peace and calm within yourself perhaps?
Remember that slowing down is a skill we can all learn and benefit from.
By taking the time to fully immerse in each moment, we can actually become more effective and efficient in our tasks.
Journal Prompt: My experience of slowing down today...
Guided Meditation: Beach and Hammock Meditation Experience
Thank you for joining me on this journey of mindfulness and self-discovery. I look forward to connecting with you again tomorrow.
S l o w i n g i n g d o w n,