Reduce stress, unlock creativity and find your compassion. Discover what it is to be mindful for yourself, by reading one of Shamash's books on the subject.

The Mindful Way Through Stress

Shamash Alidina


Pause to really take in the message of this book and make room in your day to practice what is taught. You’ll definitely be glad you did.
— Steven D. Hickman, PsyD, Executive Director, UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness

Mindfulness for Challenging Times

Shamash Alidina & collective


Mindfulness for Transformation

Shamash Alidina & collective

Paperback and ebook


Empower Yourself ACT Colouring Book

Shamash Alidina

Wit and Wisdom: 42 Insightful Stories and Playful Illustrations for Cultivating Mindfulness and Reflection


Top Selling For Dummies Books by Shamash Alidina


Mindfulness for Dummies 3rd Edition


Relaxation for Dummies

Mindfulness at Work for Dummies

If you are new to mindfulness I heartily recommend this book. Those lucky enough to read it will find it hard to put down. Chapter by chapter, Shamash guides you through meditation practises that will help you live a ‘richer’ life and combat depression and anxiety, amongst other afflictions.
— Amazon review for Mindfulness For Dummies