12 Quotes on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
/Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Quotes
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) helps to develop a skill called Psychological Flexibility. And with over 1000 studies on psychological flexibility, it’s considered the most evidence-based measures of what leads to human well-being.
Why ACT Quotes
Reflecting on ACT quotes can help enhance self-awareness, promote mindfulness, and cultivate your psychological flexibility. These quotes provide insights and reminders to stay present, make space for those difficult emotions, and take action aligned with your personal values. They serve as daily reminders to live a meaningful and fulfilling life. This is why quotes are so popular online - they do help!
How to Reflect on these ACT Therapy Quotes
Here’s one approach for using these quotes for yourself or your clients.
Read a quote and pause to think about its meaning. Consider how it applies to your own life. Write down any insights or emotions that arise. Consider practicing mindfulness while reflecting. Use the quote as a reminder to live in the present moment.
If a quote really resonates with you, write it down and keep it with you, or stick it up on the wall.
Okay, so here’s the 12 quotes I’ve created or adapted from others. Below the quotes, I explain what skill each one develops.
ACT Therapy Quotes
Freedom is realising you are not your thoughts. Phew!
freedom is realising you’re not your thoughts. phew! - Act quote, shamash alidina
The quote helps you to disidentify from thoughts, especially unhelpful thoughts. When you identify with unhelpful thoughts, they can trigger and deepen difficult emotions. By seeing the thoughts as experiences that come and go, rather than absolute truths, you have more space and freedom within.
Your mind is the sky. Thoughts and feelings merely weather.
Your mind is the sky. Thoughts and feelings merely weather. - act quotes, shamash alidina
This quote uses the metaphor of your mind being the sky. Just as the weather is always changing, so your thoughts and feelings are always changing. And just as the sky is untouched by the contents of its weather, so your mind can be seen as untouched by the challenging thoughts and feelings that may arise within it. This helps you to reframe to see your mind as a container for your experience, and also offers an inner freedom. You can probably sense how you’d be more flexible mentally with this attitude of mind.
Is a thought overwhelming you? Saying the thought in a funny voice can help you defuse from it!
Is a thought overwhelming you? Saying the thought in a funny voice can help you defuse from it! - act quotes, shamash alidina
One of the flexibility skills is called defusion. This is a new word that means the opposite of fusion. When two things are fused together they are stuck together. In the same way, when you and your thoughts are fused together, you are stuck with the thought and can’t question its usefulness. Thoughts are on one level just sounds and images in your mind, so by changing the thoughts to a funny voice or even singing it to the tune of a song like happy birthday, you help yourself defuse from the thought. The thought loses its punch and the emotions associated with it. Defusion is a great skill worth developing, to free you from believing and acting on unhelpful thoughts.
What you resist, persists. What you accept, transforms.
What you resist, persists. What you accept, transforms. - act quote, © Shamash Alidina
Acceptance is a key flexibility skill in ACT and all mindfulness approaches actually. This quote reminds you that, for thoughts, feelings, urges and sensations you can’t change, it’s best to accept them. If you do resist them, it only strengthens them. By allowing them to be there, not needing to like them but just allowing them to be present, they pass by. But remember to genuinely accept, and not accept just to get rid of it - that’s not acceptance. This stuff isn’t easy, but have a go and keep exploring what genuine acceptance means to you.
You don’t have to have a tug-of-war with your emotions. Try letting them be.
You don’t have to have a tug-of-war with your emotions. Try letting them be. - act quotes, Shamash Alidina
A tug of war with your emotions is a great metaphor. Sometimes you may feel you need to fight with your emotions. It may feel like your emotions are dragging you into a hole. So naturally you pull back, trying your best to win the battle. There’s another way. Let go of the rope. When you do that, you stop fighting. That’s scary, but you’ll find that letting go of the rope means you can see the emotion for what it is, and communicate with it rather than try and just eliminate or beat it. Again you can sense the greater freedom you’d have when you reduce your energy trying to fix your emotions, and do something more meaningful instead.
Good news. Happiness doesn’t have to mean feeling good. Happiness can mean cultivating a rich and meaningful life.
Good news. Happiness doesn’t have to mean feeling good. Happiness can mean cultivating a rich and meaningful life. - act quotes, Shamash Alidina
Most of us are taught that happiness means feeling good. And that we need to feel good all the time to be happy. And if we are not feeling good, something’s wrong. Well, that means you’ll never be fully happy as humans have a rainbow of emotions, and feeling happy is just one of them. Another, much more realistic and sustainable form of happiness is to consider happiness as cultivating a meaningful life. A life where you live your values. And in that kind of life, all emotions are welcome and you can make space for them all.
Take a break by visiting your senses. Your senses are 100% guaranteed to be in the now.
Take a break by visiting your senses. Your senses are 100% guaranteed to be in the now. act quotes by shamash alidina
When you pay attention to your mind, you'll find that your mind is quite often either in the past or the future. One great way to come into the present moment is to connect with one of your senses, like your eyes, your ears or the sense of touch. It's nice to know that when you connect with your senses, you’re 100% guaranteed to be in the here and now. So whenever you want to be mindful, just connect with one of your senses and notice a few different things. For example, look around you right now and notice 5 different things - that’s mindfulness in a nice and easy way.
Imagine a magic wand made your limiting thoughts disappear. What would you do?
Imagine a magic wand made your limiting thoughts disappear. What would you do? - act quote, shamash alidina
In order to cultivate a meaningful life, you need to be aware of what your values are. The barrage of thoughts that we experience can often be overwhelming and cover up the deepest callings of our heart. By reflecting on this question you'll be able to let go of all those limiting thoughts for a few moment and open up to start becoming aware of what really is most important for you.
You don’t need to eliminate your negative thoughts. Take them with you and do what matters. What a relief!
You don’t need to eliminate your negative thoughts. Take them with you and do what matters. What a relief! - act quotes, shamash alidina
The human mind has not evolved just to make you feel happy all the time. The human mind has evolved to ensure your survival. Because of this, you experience far more negative than positive thoughts as a form of protection. Trying to eliminate these negative thoughts can backfire. The very act of fighting against your negative thoughts with positive thoughts can end up generating even stronger negative thoughts. A more powerful approach is to change your relationship to your thoughts. Just to allow them to be to see them as sounds and pictures in your head, and in a sense, bring them with you and carry on doing whatever you need to do. You have much better control of your actions than you do the thoughts that are going to pop up in your head.
Confidence isn’t having no fears. Confidence is gently moving towards your fears to live the life you wish to live.
Confidence isn’t having no fears. Confidence is gently moving towards your fears to live the life you wish to live., act quotes, Shamash Alidina
All human beings experience fear and anxiety. If you think confidence means having no fear then you'll never have absolute confidence. It's much better to think of confidence as the ability to gently move towards your fear and live the life that you wish to live. This is a great definition of courage too. It's about learning to create a more positive relationship with fear and seeing it as an opportunity to learn and move towards this feeling. So maybe you could even make friends with it, knowing you are stepping out of your comfort zone into living a more meaningful life.
When you act on your values everyday, you can stop pursuing happiness in some ideal future state.
When you act on your values everyday, you can stop pursuing happiness in some ideal future state., act quotes, © Shamash Alidina
When you pursue goals to try and feel happy in some future when your goals have been achieved, you are placing your happiness to chance. When you live a more values based life, you are able to do something meaningful everyday and perhaps even every moment. For example if your value is to be caring, then you can be caring in every action that you do. In this way, you’re cultivating a meaningful life in every moment rather than waiting for a particular goal to be achieved.
Take tiny steps everyday in what you believe in, deep in your heart.
Take tiny steps everyday in what you believe in, deep in your heart., act quotes © Shamash Alidina
Ultimately acceptance and commitment therapy is about action. It's about behaviour change. And so if we are just in the realm of thinking and feeling and being mindful, and not taking any action, something important in missing. This quote urges to take tiny steps because a lot of the research shows that we can cultivate positive habits by taking tiny steps. The quote also talks about doing things that you believe deep in your heart. This links with the flexibility skill of an inner awareness of your values, what's important to you, and taking action based on that rather than acting on automatic pilot. So this is a great quote to finish on!
If you’d like to share any of the images above on social media, you’re more than welcome to do so. Just include a tag to @shamashalidina
Go to mindfulness quotes for a far more extensive list of quotes.
Further Resources involving ACT Quotes
Empower yourself - ACT colouring in book
I’ve created a colouring-in book based on a longer list of ACT quotes. You can buy Empower Yourself here.
If you click on that link above, you can see the full list of quotes in the book in the book description.
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