5 Powerful Tips on Happiness at Work

Our Happiness at Work Summit starts in just a couple of days time, on Monday 11th November 2019!

I’ll be hosting 20 top experts over 5 days - 20 interviews to bring you new perspective of the workplace, mindfulness and happiness.

Learn how laughter can make your day at the office better, what are life clubs, how to introduce mindfulness and spirituality in your corporate life.

Sign up at HappinessatWorkSummit.com to get started for free!

I’ve selected some short videos by 5 our 20 experts to give you a flavour of what’s to come.

Professor Steven Hayes, Originator of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Training

Dr. Madan Kataria, Founder of Laughter Yoga International and Laughter Yoga at Work

Nina Grunfeld, Founder of Life Clubs

Gayle Van Gils, Author of Happier at Work

Dr. Saamdu Chetri, Gross National Happiness Bhutan

To hear these speakers and many more, sign up for free at HappinessatWorkSummit.com and share with your friends too!

If you’d like to learn more about my approach of combining mindfulness with kindness, consider my free 7 day course. Or my full 8 week program which is currently on sale - includes 60 mini daily videos and over 15 guided kindfulness audio meditations to try.

20 guided Kindful Meditations,
50 High- Definition Videos
200 students have completed the program
5 stars is the average rating!

Start Kindfulness today