How To Feel Connected with Your Favourite Mentors and Guides

Sometimes we can feel isolated. Disconnected. Lonely.

What can you do in such a circumstance when you don’t feel able to reach out to others?

One solution is to connect with your ‘inner guides’.

In today’s exercise, you begin by imagining yourself in your favourite peaceful place.

It could be a calming beach, a relaxing forest or even your home.

Then, you imagine all your most trusted, warm and wise mentors coming to join you.

Notice what they look like. How they smile.

And notice how it feels to be meditating together with them. That sense of belonging and compassion.

3 tips to make the experience even more powerful:

  1. Immerse yourself in the experience. Go through each of your 5 senses and notice what you’d see, hear, smell, taste and touch in this peaceful place. This helps create similar brain patterns as you’d have if you were actually there.

  2. Let the Guides Come to You. You don’t need to plan too far ahead. Be open and see who shows up in your meditation circle. If they don’t represent wisdom or compassion for you, that’s ok. Just let them be. We can learn something from everyone - even if it’s learning what we don’t want to do.

  3. Think of these people as your inner resources. You can go back to these people again and again. They are within you. Tap into their wisdom and ask them any questions you may have. Stuck? Ask them a question. Curious? Ask for their opinion. Listening to them is a way to gain insights into your difficulties.


Just as we have guides in the outside world, we can also have inner guides that we can learn to connect with. By practising this and similar exercises, you can learn to tune into your inner wisdom and compassion to help navigate life’s curve balls.

Guided Meditation

Here’s a guided meditation from our Daily Mindfulness Club, where I connect you with your inner guides.

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