Mindfulness and Compassion At Work

As you probably already know, we’re running the first Mindfulness and Compassion at Work Summit - 100% free and online! Me and Awake Academy are very excited to share with you what we’ve been working on for almost a year now. Hopefully you’ve signed up already. If not, sign up for free here.

There’s now less than two weeks to go before we launch our lovely Mindfulness and Compassion at Work Summit and I wanted to share more about it with you.

This summit includes:

  • 25 world leading experts such as Dr Rick Hanson, Dr Dan Siegel, Prof. Paul Gilbert, Dr. Shauna Shapiro and more

  • 45+ minute talks by world experts with practical tips and guided meditations;

  • Life-changing themes covered on each day of the summit

You get access to 5 lectures every day and get to watch them whenever you have the time in the next 48 hours. We offer a special package that includes audio and video recordings and extra bonuses - make sure you buy it when you sign up for the best offer.

Today I want to present three of our 25 top speakers and what they will share with you during the summit.

Professor Dan Siegel

Dan is one of the leading scientists in the world - brilliant at explaining how the brain works. Here’s written numerous books on mindfulness, mental health, parenting and a new field of science he developed called Interpersonal Neurobiology.

His latest book is called Aware:

In my exclusive interview with Dan, he will be teaching what it actually means to be mindful at work, why compassion matters and his development of the wheel of awareness. He will be giving specific tips on mindfulness at work, and guiding a short meditation appropriate to the workplace.

Dr. Shauna Shapiro

Shauna is perhaps best known for her TEDx talk, which has had over a million views. In that talk, she shares a very personal journey of discovering mindfulness, meditation and in particular, a compassion-based approach to mindfulness, which I also teach, calling it Kindfulness.

She’s also written several great books! Here’s one I recommend you read on the topic:

Shauna will be giving specific tips on self-compassion at work, and guiding a short meditation appropriate to the workplace. You’ll love her approach to mindfulness!

Professor Paul Gilbert

Paul is a friend of mine and based here in the UK. As well as being one of the world’s leading scientists on evolutionary psychology, Paul has received an award from the Queen - an OBE! He’s done a lot of great work in mental health and wellbeing, and his biggest passion is now compassion. He’ll be giving a fantastic talk on the importance of compassion in the workplace, and what it means to be courageously compassionate - a powerful concept.

His most popular book on compassion is here:

Paul will be explaining what is true compassion, giving specific tips on practising compassion at work, and guiding a short meditation appropriate to the workplace too!

Hope you can join us!

Want to share the word? Share with your friends on social media using these links:

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And do you use Instagram? I post a story on Instagram most mornings these days...feel free to say hi to me there too!

See you on the summit!

If you’d like to learn more about my approach of combining mindfulness with kindness, consider my free 7 day course. Or my full 8 week program which is currently on sale - includes 60 mini daily videos and over 15 guided kindfulness audio meditations to try.

20 guided Kindful Meditations,
50 High- Definition Videos
200 students have completed the program
5 stars is the average rating!

Start Kindfulness today