What Does 365 Days of Meditation Feel Like? Find Out From Our Community!


365 Days inside the Our Mindfulness Community

We have been offering a live daily guided meditation every single day since 1st July 2020. It’s called the Daily Mindfulness Club. And we have had members who have shown up in a way that works for them. Some daily. Some weekly. And some once in a while. And there is merit in them all. Thank you for showing up!

Check out these Stories of Transformation

To celebrate our birthday, I asked our community to share stories of their journey through being a member of our little family, whether they’ve been with us for a month or the full year.

Here’s the stories they have shared as a gift for us to all read and be inspired by:

I joined the Daily Mindfulness Club after searching for a mindfulness practice group that might help to support me through mental health crisis. I could never have imagined just how much of an impact belonging to such a supportive gang of caring people would become. Members were aware that I was in hospital for a very long time but did not know that I was detained under the Mental Health Act in an acute admissions unit.

All through the 5mths in hospital, the daily meditations, the sharing of gratitude and intention for the day, the Saturday playful workshops and the WhatsApp group, provided the most important part of the therapy that eventually led to me coming home! It is no exaggeration to say that the DMC meetings and the 1% smile gang have saved my life.
— Daily Mindfulness Club Member
It’s been great learning to really understand self-care, being kind to oneself, nurturing & having compassion for oneself all forgotten skills.

Having fun during meditation - was a real eye opener - definitely changed the way I meditate.

Qigong - what’s not to love? - I remember at the end of one session everyone was thanking Brian for an excellent session - he said thank you for letting me be part of your practice. Such a self-less comment - and he meant it. Love the videos at the end, always inspiring. Every week I am able to let go a bit more and experience a love of being at one with mind, body and soul - really energizing.

During the playful sessions - I have found a love for zentangle, journaling and origami - skills I have been able to pass on in my teaching.

Thank you Shamesh and also to Brian #grateful.
— Ziggy
Being part of the warm and caring community that is DMC is precious to me.

I feel accepted and nurtured and even when I can’t make it, just knowing it is there is enough.

It has really helped to galvanise my regular practice and coming together to meditate as a group just feels so much more supportive than any independent practice I undertake.

It is a very special group if people led by a truly amazing man and I am honoured to be a part of it.
— Julia Jebbett
Doing meditation on a daily basis helps me to feel more grounded & I have made some amazing friends as we all have things in common meditation , mindfulness & kindfulness.

I am more relaxed & when I feel stressed or overwhelmed I take some time out & do deep breathing & do a quick body scan.
— Tanya Michelle Curtis
I have been meditating for decades, but weirdly, I have never tried Mindfulness. I had heard Shamash speak on more than one occasion and liked him. When I was in the last year of my doctorate, which was very stressful, I decided to give it a try.

After a couple of introductory courses, I signed up for the Teach Mindfulness course and the Mindfulness Club. I stopped everything else I was doing except work, my doctorate, and Mindfulness. It was 30 minutes of daily guaranteed peace and fun that I could count on.

The positive group energy and Shamash’s kindness made it a safe haven. Despite working full time, I finished the doctorate with the highest honors. Perhaps this type of goal setting is not the primary purpose of the Mindfulness Club, but the sustained, inner calmness and contentment I have is.
— Sarah
It ensures that I do my own personal practice but don’t feel under pressure that I have to come every day or stay the whole hour. I love the way Shamash leads the sessions, it’s lighthearted and I love his humour. Particular favourite of mine is the gravity meditation, brings a smile to my face thinking about it. If there was no gravity what would the world be like!! We would be swirling around in the rain.
— Cheryl Green
The DMC has been a lifeline for me this past year! Knowing I always have a place that is waiting for me to recharge, get in touch with kindness and compassion, help me center and ground myself in awareness, and be surrounded and supported by a community of loving and accepting souls has meant so much to me this year. Thank you Shamash and all of you who have created this precious space.
— Mali Brofsky
I do practice Qigong with the group sometimes, its very gentle and calming. I enjoy doing the meditation I find it mostly a very positive experience.

I suffer with anxiety and depression at times, so it good to have some positive input and guidance at the beginning of the day.

I really enjoy listening to all the comments from other people and how Shamash acknowledges people comments is lovely, its that that makes you feel part of a group. Also I was quite overwhelmed the other day when I mentioned my birthday and so many happy birthdays came back to me!

So thanks everyone I love the beautiful pictures that come on the screen , L do believe before any spiritual practise preparation is important, be it exercise, a poem, picture etc., to awaken the soul as the inward journey can be difficult. Also thanks for keeping things light with your sense of humour which in itself can be a healing force.
— Valerie Rupp
The deep connections I have experienced during the DMC sessions has been comforting. Like many people, this past year has been challenging for me, and the benefits I feel are connection, love, kindred spirits together, kindfulness, and a deepening of my practice. Thank you to Shamash, Brian and Teresa. And the people you attract - our Mindfulness Tribe.
— Kay Buckby
The Daily Mindfulness Club has positively changed my way of living and being. It has deepened my meditation skills and the connection with others.

At first I just wanted to try it out for a month to get some inspiration in mindfulness and meditation. But I stayed for almost a year now!

What I love is that Shamash brings a variety of comforting, happy and self-caring live sessions every single day. It’ s never boring. And I think that’ s amazing.

Our kindful, like-minded community is also very supporting. And then Qigong with Brian came along as an extra bonus. Mindful movement is just pure joy. I can easily do the excercises whenever I want to get energised.

The most important thing I have practised here is to take small steps and let things grow in their own time. A tiny habit can lead to big changes... I can say that the Daily Mindfulness Club makes me feel more healthy, calm, creative, confident and at ease with the obstacles in life.

My loved ones benefit from it. And for sure it helps me in my job as a mindful coach and illustrator. Happy 1 year anniversary everybody!
— Hester
Lockdown has opened many virtual doors for me, with many not yet explored. My pre-pandemic contact with Action for Happiness led me to many interesting webinars. On of these was with Shamash Alidina “Mindfulness Made Easy”. This sparked an opportunity to further explore the regular practice of mindfulness on a trial basis. I love the discipline of starting the day with a quiet half hour of guided mindfulness and the reason to sit still and quietly, allowing thoughts to come and go. Qigong with Brian is a welcome add-on as are the Saturday Playshops. I usually resist subscriptions, but am very glad I made an exception for this one. We all need the chance to pull into a virtual lay-by from time to time in order to take stock and breathe. Well done, Shamash and team, and congratulations on your first birthday.
— Jackie Couchman
The Daily Mindfulness Club has been a huge support to me, both personally and professionally. Having the opportunity to meditate regularly in a group enhances my practice, and the communication from the participants is full of kindness and sharing. Even though the medium is remote (via Zoom), the connection with others feels very genuine.

As I also teach mindfulness I consider Shamash’s daily guidance an essential resource for supervision and continuing professional development. It enhances my professional work immensely.

What stands out the most for me is Shamash’s humour and light touch. Every minute of presence is valued, there is no expectation or judgement - to my mind this is the most fertile ground for engaging people and making meditation accessible and fruitful. Shamash’s light hearted approach demonstrates the depth of his commitment and knowledge. We all begin with a 1% smile and the potential is infinite.
— Asha Phillips
I joined the DMC four months ago. I never thought I would be able to do anything other than drink coffee at 7.30am. Shamash has created a very special mindfulness club full of joy, peace, wisdom and some corny jokes as well! I now have a daily mindfulness and qi gong practice and am training to teach mindfulness. Thank you Shamash and Brian.
— Claire Standring
Definitely helps to have a predictable slot at the start of the day. I especially look forward to a double pleasure on Sundays with a silent nature video then an hour of calming Qigong. Both Shamash and Brian have a positive, cheerful style that conveys wisdom in an informal way. I particularly liked the image of a waterfall cascading from within a cavern and imagining being behind it, watching our thoughts.
— Joanna Francis
First many thanks and congratulations to you Shamash on the one year anniversary of the DMC, and for creating and bringing us the opportunity to meditate together each day. Thanks also to all the folks as members of the club who’s names have become familiar over the weeks and months. I have gained a great sense of support from you.

Judging from the comments each day I knew I had found a community of like-minded folks who enjoy being kind to themselves and others. I am so glad to have found this community in the UK; I needed it as the majority of my close friends are in the US where I lived for 35 years.

September 1, 2020 was my first day with you and the DMC members. It took me a while to get back into the swing of mindfulness, especially being reminded not to try and control my bodily sensations et al!!! The daily times together have been an encouraging boon especially during the Covid lock down periods; they have helped keep me on an even keel. One moment that stands out is when I became aware of my physical brain and saw how I hadn’t brought much awareness to it during my life.

Shamash, your zanny sense of humour always adds an appreciated lightness to our club sessions that have been enhanced by you bringing us the 1% smile ++ as well as learning how to do the side of the mouth push ups - an essential exercise for any practice! Last but not least the beauty of the images and music you share has enhanced mine and it appears others experiences too.

Well not to go on too much - just to say our DMC is a wonderful and beneficial group of folks that brings me much happiness as well as new insights each day for which I am most grateful.

Also, a great big thank you to you Teresa for your continued kind support to Shamash and the DMC program as well as the other courses offered.
— Zoe Robinson
Meditating daily with the DMC group has brought a wondrous change to my life. I feel very grateful to have found Shamash and such a great community. It gives me a lot of hope and has allowed me to begin to live with intention and make that a habit every day. It is truly life changing and I can’t believe I am so lucky to be in it! I now make myself 1 percent more comfortable all through my day! I also now am able to incorporate mindfulness across my teaching. And kindness to myself, others and my world all through the day!
— Aileen Gonsalves
Wow! 12 months, 52 weeks, 360-ish days of mindful, kindful and playful connections! I didn’t expect that when Shamash launched the idea with the “July Mindfulness Challenge” last year! (maybe he didn’t either, actually ;o) )

”Finding freedom and fun in regularity” - That’s the unexpected challenge I think I’ve met thanks to this daily experience.
After high-quality training courses in mindfulness, inspiring retreats and online summits, my motivation was high... but not sustained - “new year resolution syndrome”, I think ;o)

With the light but everyday engagement of the “1 minute-only” baby step into mindfulness of the DMC, I’ve finally managed to nourish this new habit with simplicity, kindness, and growing confidence - no pressure, fear of failing, or harsh self-judgement.

”The magic of flexibility, variety and togetherness” - The unique mix of creative, always different mindful experiences guided by Shamash, and the friendly spontaneous sharing of everyone who wishes to in the chat did the trick!

The always-evolving recipe for the DMC, after one year of “mindful tasting” in the group goes:
- 1% smile turning into 100% laughter, and great qi-gong body & breath awareness galore^^;
- a pinch of ACT and the possibility to share difficult moments too and support each other;
- exploring new visualisation spaces (perfectly imperfect experiments sometimes, like being caught in a music loop in a New York flat... or truly magic connections like watching the sun rising on a golden beach or in Stonehenge together);
- more and more silence to be independent in the safe container of a kindful group;
- great insights in freedom of mindful journaling/drawing/connection with nature;
- just sharing jokes, books, and films recommendations... and incredible synchronicities!

”A meaningful experience” - from a nice regular connection to myself and “the kindful crewe” to gradually built-confidence in writing mindful poetry, maybe teaching mindful creativity some day, and the feeling that everything is possible...

Thank you for inviting us to share this experience, Shamash, and for gathering this warm-hearted community around you and our shared passion for mindfulness! Thank you, Brian and everyone in the group! Looking forward to a new season with you! :D
— Cécile Boré
The DMC has played a central role in my life during these difficult times. The daily support of the community is invaluable . Without it, I could not have continued with my mindfulness meditation practice. The mindful movement, Qi Gong, has been a great new skill to learn and I have benefited physically and mentally from regularly attending this kind and welcoming space. I am most grateful to everyone in the community and to Shamash and Brian for their time, commitment and dedication.
— Shirley
Attending the DMC has helped me cultivate a daily practice of mindfulness. This has been the best medicine to help me navigate through stressful times. I have learnt that mindfulness is not about thinking positively, it’s not about making your mind blank it’s about simply being present with what is. It’s about being open to your moment to moment experience with acceptance, kindness and curiosity. This has equipped me to respond to difficult situations with compassion instead of rage. There is a wonderful community spirit within the group too, I have learnt so much from the members who freely share their insights and experiences around mindfulness.
— Stephanie Price-Whittle
I have benefitted hugely from sitting every day with the community it makes such a difference that there are many people all involved and meditating at the same time. Also the chat is great,both to how people are and also sharing some gems of insight that are amazingly wise. I like the ideas that are passed on like book titles and films and have been introduced to really interesting work that I wouldn’t otherwise have known about..During meditation I have sometimes drop into what feels like infinite stillness, yer I have also learned to sit when my head is all over the place, to accept myself as I am and be compassionate to myself, am so grateful to Shamash and the club for constant solid, varied guidance. This new path of learning self compassion and acceptance needs much repetition, for a former long term depressed soul.
— Rose
It has been my privilege and honour to firstly work alongside Shamash and his wonderful assistant Teresa and also sharing my Qigong practices and stories with such a wonderful group of people namely the (DMC crew).This personal journey has been nothing but fun,fantastic and fabulous. Looking forward to a beautiful future with my Great fun friend Shamash and the rest of my new found friends my DMC family.Thanks for practicing with me and suffering my horrendous jokes Brian ( Mr .Miyagi)Simpson.
— Grandmaster Brian ( Mr Miyagi) Simpson.B.A.B.S.
I was a meditation and mindfulness newbie a year ago when I joined DMC. The daily (well mostly) practice has been an anchor over the last year has helped tremendously, and especially early this year when the lockdown was at its toughest and lonliest. I’m able to use techiques such as breathing to pull myself into the present moment and I’m able to do this more when out and about or under pressure. I now see nature and beauty around me so much more vividly. I try and join sessions most days but invariably that doesn’t always work out but knowing I’m a member and that the 8.30am (NL!) time slot is constant in my week and that in a way is a real comfort. My only regret is being very quiet and shy not engaging with the community.....hope I can change that.
— Dermott
I joined in September and since then I’ve only missed a few sessions. Hearing Shamash guiding us through a meditation every morning has become such a positive start to my day and makes a huge difference to how I feel. Seeing all the familiar names helps me to remember I am not alone, that my struggles are experienced by others too and we are all stronger than we think we are.

I so enjoy Qi Gong with Brian and find myself doing random parts of the practice at other times. It’s so soothing! I love his gentle relaxed teaching style.

For me lockdown has brought a few blessings and DMC has certainly been one of them. What I admire so much is the commitment everyday - that takes some doing! Highlight - Christmas Day 2020, the first on my own in 71 years. Thank you!

Happy first birthday to our community
— Pauline Imrie
Whilst I already did a mindfulness practice most days, my intention when I saw the30 day challenge for July last year was to develop a more consistent daily practice at the same time each day. I’ve now completed a whole year in which the only day I wasn’t doing a mindfulness practice at that time in the morning was Christmas Day, when I was mindfully driving and I have a vivid memory of a beautiful sunrise 🌅 that day.

So my intention was fully realised and so much more. I’ve become a member of a wonderfully kind and caring community which is full of fun and joy. That mindfulness tree has grown lots of branches: Qigong with Grandmaster, Brian on Sundays as well as 3 mornings has been wonderful for me to be doing more mindful movement and I’m grateful for the time he gives us.

There have also been Mindfulness days with great offerings from some DMC members raves from DJ1conscious. I learnt about a new bookclub online with Calvin and I’m very much enjoying that. We’ve also got a WhatsApp group now with the opportunity to share more and meet up for a cuppa online, plus Mindful Playshops where, amongst other things, I’ve learnt origami, tried clay modelling and enjoyed zentangle and mindful colouring in whilst having a chat.

I also an enjoyable and informative refresher of ACT with Shamash.

So, a big thank you Shamash for everything you’ve so generously offered and giving us this wonderful community.

It’s fun, with lots of humour and jokes and, at the very least, a 1% 😊, though more usully, laughter and a 100% 😁.
— Christine
I have been part of this group and daily meditations for a year now. During this one year, in order to gain good meditation experiences, I understood what mindfulness and kindness are as real working concepts that can be applied in everyday life. I am not active in writing, but I follow the dynamics in the group and what is shared in it. Thanks for the beautiful gift cup. Thank you Shamash for all the shared moments of inner spiritual healing, visualizations and the opportunity to touch a world I did not know before. Thanks for the Qi Gong practices. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks.
— Ivanka Zaharieva

I’d love to mention all our member’s names and thank the contribution each and every one has made to our community. If I’ve missed any brand new members, let me know and I’ll add you in!

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This community has been a life-changing experience for me too. I don’t think I’ve ever meditated for a straight 365 days in a row before. And certainly not with others. What a wonderful priviledge to be able to share such an experience with others. Thank you to each and every community member!

My personal favourite aspects of our community have been:

  • Qigong - All the mindful movement practices during the week and on Sundays contributed by our generous member, Brian

  • Open sharing of the good and tough times by our members in our Zoom chat and the support of the other members, for them

  • Insights - Reading and sharing insights by our community after each meditation

  • Creativity - The variety of creative nature videos we watch for meditation on Sundays

  • Fun - The fun playshops we’ve been part of on Saturday mornings and the chats we’ve had as a result

  • Chats - Chats, insights, sharings, videos and jokes in our Whatsapp Group

The best thing about it is the friendship we have with each other. I love that most of all.

Special Offer: Free Trial of Daily Mindfulness Club

Visit Daily Mindfulness Club. You can enjoy a month of daily live meditations and a month of daily recordings too! Also access our bank of hundreds of guided meditation from throughout the year.

If you feel nervous about joining, don’t worry! Your video is kept off, and you just need to sit back and listen. And you can come in and out as you please, anytime. You don’t have to come for the full 30 minutes. If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you keep getting what you’ve always got. Maybe today is the day to try something new!