What’s your ONE WORD for the Year

Simplicity is powerful.

As we gradually come towards the end of another year, people’s attention often turn towards their plans for the new year.

The start of a new year is a transition. And it’s an opportunity.

An opportunity to start a small, mindful habit.

A chance to plant a new seed that may germinate into a big tree as the years go by.

New Year Resolutions are famous for being unreliable, because people try to do too much and are too ambitious. This time, you could try the ‘word of the year’ experiment

Let’s keep it simple this year.  :)

One way to plant that seed is by selecting a word that represents what your key intention is for the year ahead. And then turn it into a tiny, daily habit through some action you take. Or if you prefer, just having it in mind as your intention each day.

Here’s some ways to choose your word of the year:


Taking some time to journal how your last year was, and what you hope to grow in the new year, can help you to find your one word.


Perhaps it’s a matter of simply meditating and seeing what work comes up for you. Not putting too much conscious effort and just seeing what intuitively arises.


You could set a timer for 2 minutes and come up with as many ‘one words’ as you can for you. And then seeing which one stands out most for you.


Your word may be strongly linked to your values. So consider what you most value in life, and if one of those values could be your ‘one word’.

Joys and Pains

What was most joyful or meaningful for you in the past year. What was most painful for you in past year? Both these experiences can give us clues to what matters most to us. Perhaps they give you a clue to what your word may be too.


After doing any one or all of these, you may have a word, or many words, or none at all. No need to put pressure on yourself. Think of it as a game and see if this approach resonates with you.

I suggest thinking about how to turn your one word into a daily action. Perhaps there is some tiny habit you can nurture, to turn your one word into something more than just an idea.

If you’re interested, so far my one word is actually not one word! It’s: ‘Creativity in Community’. (yes, you are allowed to break the rule and have more than a word if you like!)

I really love both being in community and being creative. I see community as friends. And I’d love to continue to be creative with you all, as well as with friends/family/loved ones.

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Wishing you a mindful end to the year,
